by Bill Siegfriedt In the May issue of Lotus Notus, Matt Slayton noted that diecast forums contain much discussion on the color of the decorations on the John Player Special Lotus F1 cars. At the 1977 (Mosport) and 1978 (Montreal)
Matt’s Models – May 2008

This month, we continue where we left off with more of the 1/43 scale Lotus cars by RBA Collectibles, out of Spain. As I mentioned in the previous newsletter, this company seemingly came from nowhere to produce some nice models of
Matt’s Models – December 2005

Well, another year is almost gone, yet there is still time to beg and plead with your spouse or significant other, for Lotus goodies for Christmas. Here are a few of the more obscure items out there… This is a 1:38 scale model
Matt’s Models – March 2005

Minichamps, or Paul’s Model Art, is another Chinese company that has released probably thousands of die cast vehicles in all forms of racing. Their subject matter ranges from street, formula one, IRL/Cart, and rally 1/43 scale models. Recently they have also gone into the
Matt’s Models – February 2005

This month we will continue to focus on Lotus in the Formula One years..or Grand Prix as they were known, with a collection of Quartzo die casts in 1: 18 scale. Those of you familiar with Quartzo also know they released many 1/43