Back up at the lake, chassis assembly was moving along. Front uprights and shocks went on without a hitch, but the front sway bar was a chore. The front bar is mounted to the bottom of the front shocks with
Europa Euphoria, Part 16

Back up at the lake, chassis assembly was moving along. Front uprights and shocks went on without a hitch, but the front sway bar was a chore. The front bar is mounted to the bottom of the front shocks with
I took a few months off working on the Europa to finish up assembling Paul’s Elan. Let me refresh your memory on the history of this car… a psychedelic Flashback to 1996 if you will. This was the blue Sunday
Europas have these real long steel tubes that connect the fluids in the engine that’s in the back to the radiator that is in the front. The tubes are 2″ in diameter, about 6′ long and held in place with rubber grommets, front
Work continues on the roof removal and subsequent glassing in of steel framework. Bad planning here, too much vertical work, hard to layer up glass with ease of a horizontal surface. I struggle through doing small sections at a time. Next brain
Last month I reported on the roll over frame. Even though it wasn’t next, we shall continue on for continuity sake. When I figure out exactly how; I will place the photo album on the web, but for now know there
Paul picked up the chassis and other big bits at the powder coaters. As usual, it turned out real nice. They plug up the holes that bolts go through with some rubber plugs so when they do the powder coating,
This month, we start with a 1/43 scale release (roughly 3 1/2 inches) from a manufacturer from Spain, DelPrado. While relatively new to the diecast realm, DelPrado none the less has produced quite a few exotic cars in their collection. This marks
Doors are out, most paint removed to expose problem areas of spider cracks and broken glass. Time to remove all of the hardware; hinges, window glass and frame, and power window motor operator all items heavy, remind me to put on the scale
“It was a cold and stormy night”… I’m still trying to use that line. Maybe for my murder mystery. Which by the way this may turn into, once my wife got a good look at the “treasure”. I believe that is what
OK, so now it’s time to take the chassis to be blasted and powder coated. I had gone up to the Lake house to replace a leaky water heater. Since I don’t have garbage pick up there, I brought along my trailer to