Thanks to the many pledges from individuals, preservationists, and car clubs (including Lotus Corps), the financial goal for the saving the Meadowdale Raceways silo has been reached. Among the contributors was the family of Leonard Besinger, who was the original builder of the raceway in 1958. In addition, a grant from the Milken Family Foundation has been awarded to the students of Dundee-Crown High School in Carpentersville for graffiti removal, public education, and restoration of the surrounding silo area. The high school students have already painted over the graffiti, the Forest Preserve District has broken out the old barn foundation, and the township has been clearing out the vegetation that has grown around the silo. Structural work was completed by January 1, including reinforcements, crack patching, and closing off the door and other openings. Painting and landscaping are scheduled once the warmer weather arrives in spring. The Pure Racing Gasoline and Meadowdale Raceways scheme will be repainted on the upper portions of the silo, while in the lower section, the Dundee-Crown students will paint a mural tracing the evolution of the property from pre-Columbian times. For more, see
Save the Silo