This month, we look at a few releases from a company called RBA Collectibles, out of Spain. RBA Collectibles recently, seemingly, sprung out of nowhere with a huge selection of 1:43 scale diecast models. They focus on both road, rally, and for us, F1 models. I would put the quality on par with Vitesse and Quartzo diecast releases. These cars have been released with a nice base and acrylic cover, as well as a 'budget model' in a plastic clamshell package. In addition, a few of the F1 models also came with a special "Legends of Grand Grix" racing magazine as well (we will cover those in the next newsletter).

Here is the first car in the series, the type 25 from 1963. There are some nice detail touches on this model, including a cover over the engine bay, and those 'wobbly web" wheels.

The type 33 from 1965 is the second in the series, with this car being the first time (to my knowledge) that this model has been released by a diecast manufacturer! Certainly one to be on the lookout for!

Next up, is the Lotus type 49 (in this case the "b specification)
with the infamous wing that would cause so much grief for the

Next month, we will cover the remainder of these diecasts from
RBA collectibles. Stay tuned, and happy hunting!

Matt’s Models – April 2008
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