Time to work on some more of the bugs. The exhaust leaks were two problems. One, some idiot didn’t install the number three exhaust gasket right. It was on one stud but not the other. Guess I’ll have to fire the mechanic. Wait
The Great Road Trip, Day 3, Donnington

Now this is what we actually came to England for….The big gathering at the Donnington Exposition center. Right next to Donnignton race track. Adjacent to the Donnington Car Museum. We arrived early, about 8:00. The Show wasn’t supposed to open until 10:00, but we
A Tale of Two Tinas, Part 49
There were some bugs. Lots of little bugs. But bugs I can handle, at least it’s running. Now I can pick away at the bugs till they are all gone. There was a couple of exhaust leaks. The timing must be way off
Hey Bob. How’s your Elan coming along?
Well…. These things take time – a Lot of time. As most of you know, I crunched my car pretty bad at the last Autocross of 92. Yes I crashed at an Autocross! Yes I feel like a jerk. But you
A Tale of Two Tinos (Lotus Cortinas) Part 13A
I need an instant replay. Or at least a video tape I can review later. I know what happened, after it happened, I just missed a big portion on it. I was there. I was definitely involved. I must have blinked… or
A Tale of Two Tinas (Lotus Cortinas) Part 13
Now the next thing I have to do is shovel, sweep and dispose of 850 pounds of sand! I didn’t want to leave the mess with Greg, so as I made trips from his house to mine, I put 5 gallon buckets of
A Tale of Two Tinas (Lotus Cortinas) Part 7
One of the neat things I have come across while dealing with these rustable cars, is the Lotus Cortina Register (A car club in England of course) and their Quarterly news letter (it’s more like a book) called the “Quarter Bumper”. For
A Tale of Two Tinas (Lotus Cortinas) Part 6
Whilst stripping Tina 2 down, I came across an old post card underneath the back seat. The post card was addressed and stamped, but had never been mailed! I attached a note to it explaining that I was about to restore the car, and would
A Tale of Two Tinas (Lotus Cortinas) Part 5
I had lucked out, in that the guy selling me Tina-2 was going to a vintage race in Pittsburgh Pa. He offered to trailer the car there, and meet me there, saving me about 3-4 hours driving – one way! Greg Zelazek