I took a few months off working on the Europa to finish up assembling Paul’s Elan. Let me refresh your memory on the history of this car… a psychedelic Flashback to 1996 if you will. This was the blue Sunday
Europa Euphoria, Part 15

I took a few months off working on the Europa to finish up assembling Paul’s Elan. Let me refresh your memory on the history of this car… a psychedelic Flashback to 1996 if you will. This was the blue Sunday
Europas have these real long steel tubes that connect the fluids in the engine that’s in the back to the radiator that is in the front. The tubes are 2″ in diameter, about 6′ long and held in place with rubber grommets, front
My wife and I rarely dance in public. It’s just something I don’t care to do. I feel awkward and silly and don’t enjoy myself at all. But I do have a regular Sunday morning dancing partner that my wife has no problems
It’s about 1200 highway miles from Chicago to Snowmass Colorado. That’s a long drive in an old Lotus so Paul Quiniff and I both decided long ago that we would both trailer our Loti to the Lotus Owners Gathering or LOG 27. We
Paul picked up the chassis and other big bits at the powder coaters. As usual, it turned out real nice. They plug up the holes that bolts go through with some rubber plugs so when they do the powder coating,
Sometime around 1992 I was in the middle of acquiring parts for a Lotus Cortina restoration project. Former Lotus Corps member Dennis Duncan who had seriously raced a Lotus Cortina had stockpiled a warehouse full of parts, some new and some old. If you
OK, so now it’s time to take the chassis to be blasted and powder coated. I had gone up to the Lake house to replace a leaky water heater. Since I don’t have garbage pick up there, I brought along my trailer to
Memorial Day weekend. We spent a good part of Saturday out on the neighbor’s pontoon boat. We cruised over to a nice bar on Fox Lake and had a leisurely lunch (a little food with a lot of liquids), followed by a leisurely
Next trip out to the garage I was sitting on the concrete floor and unbolting things when I remembered that cold concrete kind of sucks the life out of your old body. When I would try to stand up, it
4/28/06 It’s been 5 months since I worked on the Europa. I went to open my neighbor’s garage and I again didn’t remember which button on the 3 button garage door opener she gave me opened the alley side and which button opened