Part 2 of 2 (Back to Part 1) The next morning we headed East to meet my brother and his wife at Mt. St. Helens. They had driven up from their home and we met them at the Mt. St.
A Good Excuse to go Visit My Brother, Part 2

Part 2 of 2 (Back to Part 1) The next morning we headed East to meet my brother and his wife at Mt. St. Helens. They had driven up from their home and we met them at the Mt. St.
Part 1 of 2 It’s not that I didn’t get along with my brother. We lived at home with Mom & Dad for the first 22 years of my life. Sure we had some squabbles but nothing serious. It’s just
As most of you know, my hobby is restoring old Lotus Elans. I usually find a cheap basket case that needs everything, drag it and all the boxes of parts home and then spend a couple thousand hours and tens
Some Lotus Elan parts are harder to find than others. But we are lucky to have several Lotus parts suppliers that supply parts without crazy mark ups. They also will not hesitate to have parts made. Ray at RD Enterprises, Dave at Dave Bean Engineering, or Jay
Part 1. My son John and his wife Mary decided to sell their little house in the city in order to have cash ready to buy a bigger house when the right one pops up on the market. Since he
There is a road rally in Colorado where you can have a grand time spending several Grand driving your very expensive classic car over some very nice roads, stopping at expensive hotels and restaurants, rubbing elbows with the upper crusty
This could also be titled: My other car is a “Fill in the Blank” Syndrome. You have seen the saying on license plate frames and on the bumpers of many different vehicles. Dennis Stahl has one on his truck. It’s
You know the game called “Musical Chairs” that you played when you were a kid? Some adults would set up a bunch of chairs in a circle facing outwards, one less chair then there were kids. The music would start and you would walk around the chairs until the music stopped and you had to
My hobby is restoring old Lotus Elans. I buy them all beat up or worn out or neglected for decades or just in boxes. I tear them all the way down – every last nut and bolt comes off. Then
First jack up and support back tires of car. Crawl underneath and remove the 14 bolts to drop diffuser tray. Look up and not finding an oil pan, realize that you have taken off the wrong panel. Remove 8 more