In 1962, Dan Gurney enticed Colin Chapman to attend the Indianapolis 500. He was convinced that bringing Chapman’s low slung, light weight, mid-engined Lotuses to the “500” would prove to be a race winner. Dismissing the roadsters that he saw
1962 marks a significant milestone in Lotus history, as it was 50 years ago that the original Elan was first introduced. Principally designed by Ron Hickman, the new car was an instant hit at its launch at the Earls Court
Important New/Old Product for British Cars
Has the smoke escaped out of the wires on your classic British car? This then, is the solution to your problem. Now available is the Lucas Replacement Wiring Harness Smoke kit, P/N 530433, along with the very rare Churchill Tool
Historic Race Car

The British Car Swap Meet has proven itself to be a valuable event for those looking to find that missing bit for their car, or the elusive part for their restoration project. But it has also provided the opportunity fol those
A Case For the Spare #2

On Memorial Day weekend, I finally had the 13 year old, hard as a rock Yokohama AVS tires replaced on my Europa Special. The dearth of choices available for 13 inch rims these days pretty much meant settling on the Sumitomo
Meadowdale Raceway Silo Dedication

On the weekend of September 13-14, exactly 50 years after opening the gates for its first racing weekend, Meadowdale Raceway was finally ready to celebrate its golden Anniversary. Many months of hard work by many volunteers went into preparing the
Remembering Jim Clark

This April 7th will mark the fortieth anniversary of one of the saddest days in Lotus history… the death of Jim Clark. His name was synonymous with Lotus, having driven almost exclusively for Team Lotus from 1960 to 1968. He raced just about
The Silo is Saved!
After decades of neglect and vandalism, and a near date with the wrecking ball, the landmark silo of the old Meadowdale Raceway has been saved. Thanks to the efforts of preservationists, racing enthusiasts, and local car clubs (including Lotus Corps),
Making A Case For The Spare

When Henry Ford, Ransom Olds, and the Durvea Brothers first puttered about in their horseless carriages, they rode on spindly heels shod with solid rubber tires. These tires did nothing to cushion the rough ride over dirt roads and cobblestone streets. Then pneumatic tire,
Save the Silo

Thanks to the many pledges from individuals, preservationists, and car clubs (including Lotus Corps), the financial goal for the saving the Meadowdale Raceways silo has been reached. Among the contributors was the family of Leonard Besinger, who was the original builder of the