Event Details

Please join us for our twenty-second annual Carl Grabowski Drivers Education Day at Blackhawk Farms Raceway in Rockton, Illinois -- Saturday, June 21st. This year we will again be joining forces with the Chicago Alfa Romeo Owners Club.

In order to streamline registration and make it easier to pay by credit card, we will be using a registration provider. We ask that you create an account even if you plan to enter by mail with a check. Please enter 3 car numbers in your vehicle profile, in order of preference.

To register online with a credit card, please perform the following steps:
1) Create an account at Motorsportreg.com if you do not already have one (links will open in a new tab).
2) CLICK HERE for the event registration form.

To register by mail with a check, please perform the following steps:
1) Create an account at Motorsportreg.com if you do not already have one (links will open in a new tab).

2) CLICK HERE to add CAROC / Lotuscorps to your MotorsportReg account (click on "Add this organization to your account"). You MUST first be logged into MotorportReg for this option to be visible, as shown below.

3) CLICK HERE for the main event page, then scroll down and click the Contact button, then use the "Questions specific to this event" selection to request a PDF registration form.

Event fee - $349
Lunchtime Touring Only (No roll bar required) - $49
Discount for current CAROC / Lotus Corps members ONLY - $20
Early bird discount - $25 (limited number available)
Green group discount for first-time participants - $20

Track day insurance is available from Lockton Motorsports, with whom Lotus Corps is not affiliated in any way. The link is provided as a convenience only, and there are other companies that offer track day insurance as well.

Annual Carl Grabowski Drivers Education Track Day